Sunday, January 24, 2010


As I alluded to earlier, engaging in this level of hard-core sedentary activity is not for the weak of heart. It takes dedication, willpower, single-minded training, careful nutrition, and, of course, the proper equipment.

In addition to my rigorous workout routine, I also am wearing the latest in high-tech exercise clothing, designed specifically for not exercising.

At all.


I'm speaking, of course, of my fashionable compression socks. Here's a picture of Dizzy giving her review of these sylish accessories:

Because I am moving around so little, I am at risk of developing blood clots, which could then dislodge and become pulmonary embolisms. This is no laughing matter; Anne is dealing with multiple pulmonary embolisms right now. They first appeared in mid-December, and wound up sending her to the emergency room several times, including a multi-night stay from Christmas Eve through the day after Christmas. She's still having a hard time breathing well enough to do simple things like go shopping. So we'd like to avoid any more pulmonary embolisms in this house!

So they set me up with these compression socks, which are basically just super tight elastic socks. These, combined with the toe-wiggling exercises, will supposedly keep clots from forming. I'm supposed to wear them pretty much 24 hours a day. They have little ventilation holes in the top to keep my feet from smelling terrible. Or at least, too terrible. I only take them off to take a shower (a whole other adventure!) and it is sheer bliss to remove those things. I could spend an hour with a Brillo pad scratching my calves afterward.

Things were going pretty well on the pain front this morning, so I tried a little experiment. I reduced my Vicodin intake. That's probably why I was able to produce so many brilliant, high-quality blog posts today. However, that experiment is not working out. Evidently I need to keep the pain meds flowing freely a bit longer, so a while ago I took a larger dose to get back on track.

It should be kicking in soon, letting me hurt less and hopefully still rite gud. I think I can still say smart stuff about living rooms and pretty pretty kittie catties. And hips.

pffff hehehe. hips.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve. Glad you're doing so well. - Marion
    P.S. Been there with foot surgery. It's really annoying to be immobile.
